The Laikipia Plateau stretches from the slopes of snow-capped Mt Kenya to the rim of the Great Rift Valley. Its 9 500 km² of dramatic landscapes (including endless plains, spectacular gorges and indigenous forests) host the biggest game densities in Kenya outside the Masai Mara, including the Big 5, the vulnerable reticulated giraffe, Grévy’s zebra and the endangered African wild dog.
Laikipia is home to nearly half of Kenya’s critically endangered black rhino and 70% of its white rhino. Rhino sanctuaries in Lewa, Solio, Borana, Ol Pejeta and Ol Jogi conservancies are at the forefront in protecting both white rhino and black rhino from the threat of poaching.
Mount Kenya National Park and the encircling indigenous forest reserve together form a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, an important habitat for elephant and other wildlife.